the Nordic pavilion at the Venice Biennale 26/8 - 21/11 2010.

11 Sept 2010

Afternoon lecture by Carson Chan

While the afternoon sun streamed throughout the pavilion we had the pleasure to present a telephone lecture by architecture writer and curator Carson Chan based in Berlin. He was discussing how to display and discuss architecture within the frames of an exhibition space. The conventions of architectural representations on display are strongly challenged by the current Biennale curated by Kazuyo Sejima, where many of the works create spatial atmospheres, conditions and subjective associations rather than representing built work on display. Carson also argued in his lecture that architecture, and related fields, can be discussed and exhibited without having to exhibit reproductions of built work. As a director of the project space Program in Berlin, Carson Chan constantly aims to test the disiplinary boundaries of architecture through collaborations with other fields by exploring ideas through exhibitions, performances and workshops. 0047 had the pleasure to host a double exhibition by Carson Chan this spring and these two shows formed the content of Chan's lecture.


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