the Nordic pavilion at the Venice Biennale 26/8 - 21/11 2010.

19 Nov 2010

A whole Italian class of students joined us today

Hard working...
An italian class joined in today and helped us with the development of the "Spikertelt prototypes" and discussed the floating boarders/ subjectivity of what is considered high/low culture.. The students made fantastic drawings and models.


  1. A good practice in architecture class, this is. It would be great if such a class can be integrated in trying to sell a property in Marbella. It would be a glorious advantage.

  2. I think it would be better if they sitted in a more comfortable place like a couch. I saw some great furniture in Los Angeles that you can use for their convenience.

  3. Spikertelts are great for restaurant hotels. They attract bar goers especially on a rainy day. To make prototypes would definitely be a challenging activity.

  4. Nice shot you have there! This kind of environment is what any office should have - it'll give you the feeling of enjoying your work, specially if you're surrounded with the working people, the cozy furniture and a light that's bright enough to let you do your work.

  5. r6v83b8x21 j0y54x2n19 q4q86m2h26 f3z72x0o57 w2r02l4v94 n7o22w4x08
